Automatic response to typical user requests

Automatic response to typical user requests is represented by the demo-stand AMHDSS for SAP (Automated Mivar Help Desk Software System for SAP).


The system is applied to reduce load on help desk operators by identifying a typical question in the user request and giving an answer to the user in an automatic mode. Due to the system it is possible to automate the response to constantly arising questions as well as remove load on help desk in peak hours, (for example, when introducing a new function, upgrading the system or in case of emergency). The system handles text requests by default, however, it can be upgraded to handle voice requests.


The system should classify and resolve user requests incoming to the help desk. Resolving issues should be implemented on the basis of cases compiled using typical user requests. The system should have an interface for entering, viewing, editing and deleting cases.


  • Filling cases knowledge base, i.e. typical user requests.
  • Analysis of incoming user requests (in the MS Excel format): checking if a user request complies with the requirements of available cases and automatic solution to requests satisfying case conditions. Issues that cannot be resolved using an available set of cases are forwarded to the help desk operator.